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R.E. Dye Manufacturing, Corp. strives to operate and transact business in accordance with the highest ethical standards as represented by compliance with all relevant aspects of the Code of Federal Regulations (CFR) including, but not limited to, OSHA, EPA, DOT, and EEO, as well as those standards stipulated by the National Association of Manufacturers (NAM) and the National Tooling and Machining Association (NMTA).  Likewise, and similarly, the company expects all external providers of products, processes, and services (collectively “business partners”) to conduct and transact business in accordance with the highest relevant ethical standards.


The core of Dye ethics policy centers on four basic values, beginning with respect, treating others as we would like to be treated ourselves.  Understanding that all persons are imbued with dignity and honor, we expect the best of ourselves and from others in all interactions and transactions, as exhibited by our commitment to complete and sustained professionalism.  Likewise, we pursue and demand integrity by working with all parties, internally and externally, openly, honestly, and sincerely.


Further, understanding that information is meant to move and that such information moves people, we are committed to communications characterized by language that is appropriate, simple, direct, straightforward, and candid.  In doing so, we protect the privacy of personal information and the propriety of privileged information.  Finally, we are satisfied with nothing less than the best; thus, we raise the bar of expectation for ourselves and those with whom we deal.  “Excellence in all things”, is our moniker.


Lastly this code of ethical conduct is indicative and reflective of our daily way of being and represents normalcy in our behavior.  While moral codes can be merely “eyewash” or “window dressing” for public exhibition and consumption, R. E. Dye Manufacturing, Corp. states, teaches, and coaches these values with all employees throughout the company, thus inculcating them into our organizational culture.

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